Monday, April 13, 2020

Post WWII America

Greetings American Studies Scholars,
We hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Here is the plan for today:
1) We will start with a short Zoom meeting to introduce our new unit. Please check your emails for the link. You can find the unit calendar on the class blog and here: Unit 9: Civil Rights and the 1960's

2) Next, in order to provide context for our unit, you'll watch The Century: Best Years: 1946-1952. Please click your linked assignment below. As you watch, there will be questions to answer to check for understanding. Please work to answer them accurately. The video is about 42 minutes long. Including answering questions, this should not take you longer than 52 minutes to complete.
3) Next, after the broad overview provided in the video assignment above, we will begin to focus in on our major topic for this time period which is a return to the question of Civil Rights and race relations. If you recall, we finished our look at Native Son in the 1930's and 40's as the nation was still struggling with racial violence and segregation. Today, Mr. Kramer will present a lecture that begins to look at the legal fight against the system of segregation. As you watch, you may use this document to take notes either electronically or by hand: NAACP Legal Strategy Notes. You may also take notes in your notebooks if that is easier. If you have questions along the way, please write them down to ask during our next Zoom meeting.  Click the link below to begin the lecture:

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