Thursday, February 27, 2020

History Unfolded and Into WW2

Today we'll start by participating in a project for our Genocide Commemoration Day that is coming up at the beginning of April.
Here are your instructions: History Unfolded.

During the 2nd part of class, we will introduce WW2.
We'll start by watching the introduction to Ken Burns' documentary "The War"

As you watch, you'll create a list of things or objects that you notice in the video. We'll then respond to those images by writing a "short talk." This is a small piece of writing - no more than could fit on an index card. It can be in the form of a paragraph, a few sentences, a short poem, a dialogue - whatever you want. The idea is to express something about one of the specific objects that you noticed in the video.

  • Short talk about the S.S. St. Louis
    • We saw your arm sticking out of the porthole, waving to us. We stood on the dock, calling to you. So close we could see the wrinkles in your skin. So close we could see the fabric of your shirt. But so far. So close but so far. We saw you for those brief moments - so close. Then never again. Never again.

Next, we'll write another short talk about one of the themes related to WW2 that is named in the video:
  • Anger
  • Arrogance
  • Bigotry
  • Victimhood
  • Lust for Power
  • Courage
  • Perseverance
  • Selflessness
  • Faith
  • Leadership
  • Hunger for Freedom
  • Unimaginable Brutality
    • Short talk about lust for power.
      • They were nobodys, our neighbors. They worked in shops, in offices, in factories. Just like us. They ate dinner together, walked in the park, washed their clothes and hung them our on lines in the wind. Just like us. Until one day they became better than us, or so they thought. Then they had power, or so they thought. They pointed at us, they distanced themselves from us, and then they took everything we had. Those nobodys. Who gave them that power?
  1. Bring binders to class
  2. Road to WW2 Timeline

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