Friday, February 28, 2020

Road to WW2 and FDR Speeches

Sorry we're not there to join you today. You'll be working with your groups and your timelines today to complete the tasks listed in this handout: Road to WW2 Group Work. You should make a shared copy of this handout for your group to use. By the end of the period, EVERYONE should submit the work to Schoology. Your homework for the weekend is listed below the groups and in the new calendar that's posted.

Group #1
Talia C.
Group #2
Group #3
Zach G.
Group #4
Group #5
Group #6
Talia S.
Group #7
Group #8
Zach C.
Group #9
Group #10
Group #11
Group #12
Group #13
Group #14
Group #15
Group #1
Group #2
Group #3
Lexi E.
Group #4
Jesse G.
Leah H.
Group #5
Group #6
Group #7
Group #8
Group #9
Group #10
Leah M.
Group #11
Lexi S.
Group #12

Individual HOMEWORK for the weekend:
  1. Read and annotate pages 52-55 in your binder.
  2. Read this brief biography of Charles Lindbergh
  3. Read and annotate Charles Lindbergh’s Speech, “Who are the War Agitators?” (Binder 56-57)
  4. Complete a journal response where you answer the following questions:
    • What was the “America First” Committee? What did they believe?
    • What was Lindbergh’s overall argument?
    • Which groups does he single out as being responsible for the war and what is his reasoning for listing each?
    • Based on your timelines, why do you think that Lindbergh was making this argument?
    • In what ways does his argument contrast with Roosevelt’s position in his “Four Freedoms speech”?
    • Describe your reaction to Lindbergh’s speech? Based on its context, what do you think of his argument?
    • Describe any connections or links that you can make between any of the details listed above and the United States in 2020.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

History Unfolded and Into WW2

Today we'll start by participating in a project for our Genocide Commemoration Day that is coming up at the beginning of April.
Here are your instructions: History Unfolded.

During the 2nd part of class, we will introduce WW2.
We'll start by watching the introduction to Ken Burns' documentary "The War"

As you watch, you'll create a list of things or objects that you notice in the video. We'll then respond to those images by writing a "short talk." This is a small piece of writing - no more than could fit on an index card. It can be in the form of a paragraph, a few sentences, a short poem, a dialogue - whatever you want. The idea is to express something about one of the specific objects that you noticed in the video.

  • Short talk about the S.S. St. Louis
    • We saw your arm sticking out of the porthole, waving to us. We stood on the dock, calling to you. So close we could see the wrinkles in your skin. So close we could see the fabric of your shirt. But so far. So close but so far. We saw you for those brief moments - so close. Then never again. Never again.

Next, we'll write another short talk about one of the themes related to WW2 that is named in the video:
  • Anger
  • Arrogance
  • Bigotry
  • Victimhood
  • Lust for Power
  • Courage
  • Perseverance
  • Selflessness
  • Faith
  • Leadership
  • Hunger for Freedom
  • Unimaginable Brutality
    • Short talk about lust for power.
      • They were nobodys, our neighbors. They worked in shops, in offices, in factories. Just like us. They ate dinner together, walked in the park, washed their clothes and hung them our on lines in the wind. Just like us. Until one day they became better than us, or so they thought. Then they had power, or so they thought. They pointed at us, they distanced themselves from us, and then they took everything we had. Those nobodys. Who gave them that power?
  1. Bring binders to class
  2. Road to WW2 Timeline

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Refugees - Conclusions; Intro. to WWII

Happy Paczki Day! Happy Mardi Gras!

Today we'll spend some time thinking about the issues you raised and explored during the process of researching and writing your paper.

After that, we'll think about the ways in which these issues are being addressed on the current legislative agenda. Part of that will result in a short letter you will write to Senator Durbin.

Please be sure to bring your binders to class starting Friday, February 28.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Research Paper - Rough Draft & Feedback

Happy Monday!

Today you will work with your group of three to give and receive feedback on your draft of your research paper. Please make copies of the form below to use for today's activity - share them with the author of the paper you are reviewing.

When you have received both sets of feedback, please follow these steps:
  1. Read the two sets of feedback you received
  2. Open a new Google Doc 
  3. Copy and paste both sets of feedback into this new document
  4. Below the feedback, please write out your reflections on the feedback you received and your plan for editing your essay as you move toward completing it in the next two days. 
  5. Submit this document to Schoology

Friday, February 21, 2020

Research Paper Work Day

Today, after we discuss organization and topic sentences, you will have most of the double period to work on your essay. Here are some important notes:

  • A FULL rough draft (including footnotes) is due on Monday, February 24
  • How long should the essay be? We imagine it will be 1000-1100 words. And in case you were wondering, when you do a word count footnotes are not included in that total.
  • Your bibliography must be the last page(s) of your paper. 
  • Regardless of which class you are in (56 or 78), your final essay (including your bibliography) must be submitted to turnitin via Schoology on Wednesday, February 26 by 1:15 PM. For period 56, you will NOT have class time on Tuesday to work on the paper. 
  • You will also be turning in your Research Logs on Wednesday, February 26. 

For today, here are some things to think about:
  1. Footnotes. You may need to refer to the links we posted on the blog yesterday if you don't know how to do this. The goal is to showcase your research - footnote everything you found on your own and used for this essay.
    1. In order to cite information from the Americans and the Holocaust website, here is the format for both a footnote and the bibliographic reference.
      1. Footnote: “Americans and the Holocaust,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, accessed February 25, 2019,
      2. Bibliography: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. “Americans and the Holocaust.” Accessed February 25, 2019.
  2. Rubric. For this essay, as we've noted, here's what a superior piece of writing will include:
    1. A strong and complex thesis using the format given (concessive-main-because)
    2. A clear and specific sense of a current issue/situation (content)
    3. A unique and interesting connection back to the historical information about the Holocaust and the role of the United States (content)
    4. A clear and specific recommendation for a future course of action (content)
    5. Evidence to support the information in the above three areas (evidence)
    6. Thoughtful analysis of that evidence, including explanations of terms and details about policies; the reasoning behind them; and explanations of how and why it works (analysis)
    7. A well-designed flow to / progression of your ideas (organization)
    8. A tight focus on your issue, eliminating irrelevant information (focus)
    9. Footnotes and Bibliography are properly formatted and used (evidence; mechanics)
    10. Powerful and engaging error-free writing using Times New Roman font. (grammar/mechanics)
  3. Conferences. 
    1. If you have questions about your work, you must first have a specific question you want to be answered (not just "is this good?").  We will be available for short, conversations about specific questions.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Writing and Citing

Today we'll begin by submitting our thesis statements in order to receive feedback on it to move forward.

Next, we'll discuss Chicago Style Citations (footnotes and bibliography) as well as how to incorporate our research into our papers (paraphrasing vs. quoting).  These links will be helpful:

*Don't forget about the Writing Tips and Inexcusables

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Starting the Writing Process

Happy Tuesday! We hope you had a great Presidents' Day weekend!

Today you will work with a group of three people to develop the thesis statement for your essay.

Then, you will use the "initial organization" work from over the weekend to move ahead with organizing your essay.

Make a copy of these documents for your use today:

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Continuing Our Research

Today we continued researching issues, policies and historical precedent using the databases.

During the 2nd part of class, we discussed how to use the internet to do research if necessary. This link will be helpful for you to evaluate web resources:

For next class (Tuesday or Wednesday) you will complete this form, submitting it to Schoology before class:

Monday, February 10, 2020

Sharing Articles and Gathering More Information

We'll start today by sharing the articles we read over the weekend.  Please make a copy of this chart for your use today:
Refugees in the United States Articles
Next, we'll read a pro-con from CQ Researcher about the current Trump administration policy in regard to refugee resettlement.  We'll pause and write in our journals, considering questions that these raise as well as which side you are more drawn to.
Next, we'll use the Opposing Viewpoints and Points of View Databases to find at least one more article. We'll put that article into our charts.
For Homework:
Read the following article and do a journal response, considering how this article influences our initial ideas about refugee resettlement:
"These People Aren't Coming From Norway"...
PDF Version

Friday, February 7, 2020

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Happy Friday! As our work turns to contemporary questions about Refugees and Asylum Seekers, here is what will happen in class today:

  1. Share (read aloud) one of the paragraphs you wrote yesterday from the "America and the Holocaust - Conclusions" assignment
  2. With a partner, briefly share / compare notes you took last night about the two videos, making sure you have a good working definition of "Refugee" and "Asylum Seeker." You will also share the questions you created.
  3. Head to this website:
    1. You will be following the story of an individual refugee and will be able to make a variety of choices along the way.
    2. Keep track of the decisions you make and the issues you face on this worksheet (we'll give you a printed copy).
    3. You'll write a journal response at the end of your journey
    4. This map will help:
    5. Sharing information. You'll find another person in class who followed the story of a person from the same country of origin.
    1. Compare / contrast the decisions you made and the results
    2. You'll then sit with all of the people in class who followed stories of people from the same country of origin.
  4. Policy-Making groups
    1. Next you'll meet with people from a variety of countries of origin. Together you'll debate the questions we hand you for roughly 3-4 minutes each. Keep track of your discussion in your notebook.
    1. Find an article about an issue related to refugees / asylum seekers.
      1. It must be from the last 6 months
      2. It must directly relate to the United States
      3. It must be from a reputable news source.
    2. Fill out this form with the title, source and url of your article: Refugees in the U.S. Articles
    3. Read the article and then refer back to the questions you discussed with your group (linked below). Write a journal response to the article, naming the different issues that arise, based on what you discussed.
      1. Who is a Refugee?
      2. Who is an Asylum Seeker?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

America and the Holocaust - conclusions

We'll start today by hearing your personal responses to the homework and the material on the Americans and the Holocaust website.

Next, you'll complete the next two sections of the chart.

Lastly, you'll respond to the material based on the questions in this handout.

For homework tonight, here are the directions:
  1. Watch these two short videos (scroll down to them or use the links below)
  2. Take notes, including definitions of what you consider to be key terms or concerns.
  3. Create a discussion question about each video (put this in your notebook)
  4. (If you did not complete the charts in class today, finish and submit them tonight)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Monday, February 3, 2020

How Did the Holocaust Happen?

Today we're going to build a layered timeline, working to answer the question, how did the Holocaust happen?
First, we'll do some prewriting, exploring what we already know and where we learned it.
Next, everyone will receive an identity card, annotating it for key details like country of origin, age, gender, victim group, the year when persecution began, the type of persecution.
We'll build the first layer of the timeline by putting the people on the timeline according to the year when their persecution began. We'll stop and respond in our journals, considering any patterns that emerge and any surprising stories,
We'll build two more layers of the timeline by adding key events from WW2 and the Holocaust and laws and decrees that were passed After walking the timeline, we'll return to our journals and see if we can identify any events that help to explain the patterns that emerged and/or why the persecution occurred when it did.

We'll do a final response to the question of "why the Holocaust happened."

We'll continue our discussion by watching a video that will add another layer to our thinking by showing us how citizens of Germany and other countries were also instrumental in constructing an environment that allowed the Holocaust to occur. We'll start by watching this video: Some Were Neighbors and then each student will be assigned a different group of people to study.

  1. Neighbors 
  2. Workers
  3. Teenagers
  4. Policemen
  5. Religious Leaders
  6. Teachers
  7. Friends
FOR HW: Explore your assigned group of people. You should watch some of the interviews and videos and analyze some of the images and artifacts. When finished, complete a journal entry in response to what you learned. Be sure to use details from the site in your entry. You may consider any or all of the following questions in your response but you must respond to the last one:

  • Why did the Holocaust happen?
  • Why did people betray their personal loyalty?
  • At what age should individuals be responsible for their behavior?
  • Why were some able to make the choice to resist? 
  • What attitudes and circumstances influenced people's actions?
  • What motives might lead a trusted friend to abandon another? 
  • *How might this group of people have impacted your person from the timeline activity?