Friday, August 23, 2019

What does it mean to be an American - Day 2 + STAR testing

Happy Friday!

We are going to take the STAR reading test today. Please do your best on this reading comprehension test. Again, this is so I can understand how you read and learn, then offer you specific help. Do your best.
  • Click here to go to the link for the test.
  • For your username, use the same name you are logging into the Chromebooks and computers with.
  • Your password is your student ID number - but ONLY the number - i.e. 211XXXX - if you are unable to gain access after TWO tries, please ask for help before trying a third time.
  • You will be presented with two choices - select STAR Reading
  • Sometimes, the system will request a “Monitor Password.” If this happens to you, the password is “admin”
  • If you are presented with a list of teachers, please select “Rigler”
  • Take the test! Do the best you can!

For the next part of class, we will review the essays you read for today.
  1. Share your journal response with someone in your group who read the same essay from round 1
    1. My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant 
    2. Do I Look Like Public Enemy No. 1
    3. Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Child
  2. Share your journal response with someone in another group who read the same essay from round 2:
    1. A Talk to Teachers
    2. The Promise of America
    3. American Things
  3. Go back to your original group. Now you will hear a little bit about each of the six essays. The goal here is for you to choose one additional essay to read. Select one that feels interesting and potentially engaging to you. Go around your group and discuss the essays in order (see above) with one person talking about each essay. Be sure to name: who is the author and what is their background? what event(s) do they discuss? what point(s) are they making?
  4. Read the new essay. Write a short journal response. 
Lastly, we'll turn our attention to preparation for Monday's in-class essay. You'll have the rest of class today and the weekend to complete these prep sheets. You'll submit your completed prep sheets on Monday at the start of class and then use them to guide your work on the in-class essay.

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