First, in the groups from yesterday, we'll finish Section 3 of the Web Activity and write the concluding paragraphs.
Then, we'll consider how art influenced New Deal programs and American society's vision of it by creating some of our own in our groups.
- Explore the following links to get a sense of some New Deal propaganda posters as well as the type of art that New Deal artists were creating.
- Then, as a group, choose one of the following:
- Create a poster supporting the goals and ideals of one of the New Deal agencies or acts listed in Section 1 of the web activity
- Create a poster protesting New Deal programs from the perspective of one of the challengers to the New Deal listed in Section 2 of the web activity.
- Create a poster from the perspective of one of the groups listed in Section 3 of the web activity. Poster could be supportive, critical or a mixed reaction to the New Deal.
- Posters must contain a slogan, a quotation from FDR's First Inaugural, and an image (or set of images). They must be carefully drawn and have artistic merit. Be CREATIVE!
- The "winning" poster (as judged by your classmates) will receive a valuable prize!!
With any time remaining in class, students will be able to work on the homework for the weekend:
Watch Evil Rising (begin at 3:15) and complete the study guide by hand.
Additional Note-If you missed either the first or second day of our work with FDR's "First Inaugural", it is available for you to finish in the Testing Center.
Additional Note-If you missed either the first or second day of our work with FDR's "First Inaugural", it is available for you to finish in the Testing Center.